Coach Dan’s Blog

Dan America has spent over 30 years in the industry as a successful athlete and coach. Here you can find his personal blog archive encompassing all things training and coaching related.

Not for the easily offended…

ThreePointZero ThreePointZero

24 hours solo!

The mud has settled and I've caught up on some sleep after one of the most impressive sporting weekends I've ever been witness to.

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ThreePointZero ThreePointZero

Rebuilding Paul

July 8th, 2023

….Speaking to Paul, I told him what I believed was possible. Given enough time, patience, hard work and dedication, I genuinely believe in the human body’s ability to restore itself. We just needed to take it super slow, and rebuild from the ground up…

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ThreePointZero ThreePointZero

The Birth of 3.0

June 8th, 2023

It’s pretty simple actually, I've always just loved being in the gym

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Who’s coaching you?

March 17, 2023

Everyone’s a coach these days. The industry is more saturated now than ever before

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Free program!

May 21, 2021

Coaches can be pretty protective over their training beliefs and methodologies. After all, these things are their strategies and systems that they use to help their athletes.

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Go big, or go home?

May 14, 2021

Given my role as a strength coach, a lot of my time is dedicated towards motivating my athletes to train harder, go faster, reach new levels of intensity in their training

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Beyond Barbells

August 6, 2018

I’ve said it many times, every gym has bars and plates. Every gym has dumbells and benches and machines.

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I didn’t feel like training today…

May 22, 2018

In fact, that feeling comes up pretty regularly. I have accumulated a fair bit of wear and tear over my 27 years of training, and the body doesn't always feel like co-operating.

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Maintenance is not a thing

May 2, 2018

Maintenance is not a thing.

It’s just not. Our bodies are living, breathing organisms made up of somewhere in the region of 37.2 TRILLION cells.

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A word on perspective

March 23, 2018

So as a lot of you know, one of my endeavors outside of the gym is my involvement in professional wrestling.

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