20 Years In The Making

If 12 week challenges and TikTok videos of influencers in gyms make you cringe, then you are exactly the type of person we want in our facility.

ThreePointZero is a no-nonsense facility with REAL people and REAL coaching. We’re all about getting REAL results and cutting through the BS!

Coach Dan’s Strength Systems

As a coach, Dan has been responsible for training many highly successful athletes including state, national, and world kickboxing champions, as well as multiple state, national, and world powerlifting champions, as well as elite athletes competing at both domestic and international levels in cycling, hockey, soccer, football, rowing, archery and others,  in amongst training hundreds of every day people just looking to improve their health.

Dan opened his first training facility, the highly successful Kickfit Lifestyle Solutions in Dandenong, in 2002 at the age of 19. This was a means to be able to share his passion for training with a wider audience, with none of the rubbish people were used to encountering at 'normal' gyms. That ideology continues today at ThreePointZero as well as with his clients, some that have been training with Dan for over 20 years!

To read more about Dan’s ideology head to the blog page

What makes ThreePointZero different?

One of the main things that separates ThreePointZero from other gyms, is that we’re not really a gym at all. We are a members only private coaching facility. What this means for our clients is that you’re never left to just wander around not really knowing what to do. Each and every member is coached the entire step of the way, from technique building and movement correction, to all inclusive programming to suit your individual needs and goals. No cookie-cutter approach here. This allows every program to be tailored, and gives us maximum adjustability on a workout to workout basis, maximizing the effectiveness of every session!

The culture at ThreePointZero is a different too. We are a ‘destination gym’, where the people that train within our four walls are there very deliberately, not just because it was a convenient location or because there was a bargain sale on membership. Our members found us because they wanted to train in a facility that was as serious about their results as they were.

What this means is that when you’re on the gym floor, you’re sharing the space with a group of like-minded individuals who are driven by progress and results. The camaraderie that results from this shared mindset means that we have a very team orientated culture, where we support and encourage each other, and celebrate the successes of our peers.

Regardless of your age, background, or training goals, if you’re ready to work, you’ll fit in just fine!

ThreePointZero Conditions Of Entry

  1. Check your ego at the door. Humility rules here.

  2. Respect the gym, the equipment, and the people.

  3. Do not work out. Train.

  4. Leave the place better than when you arrived.

  5. Listen to your coach.

  6. Support each other, this is your gym.

  7. If in doubt, ask for help.

  8. You do everything at your own risk. 

  9. Patience and dedication are rewarded with success.

  10. Always observe rule 11

  11. Don't be shit.